EHS Solutions

Leadership Consulting & Personal Development

About EHS Solutions

EHS Solutions is a management consulting company that provides creative and impactful services to businesses, schools, and other entities. We provide consultancy and educational services regarding leadership, personal development, and business management. Guest speaking engagements and consulting services are rendered on a pro bono and paid-for basis. Our clients, which include students, professors, and business leaders, respond to our in-depth "Engagement Surveys” with glowing support and appreciation. We appreciate their appreciation.

Mike Donohue

CEO / Founder

Just Released!  “Letters To Our Future Leaders”

No charge for the book… just pay shipping and handling or make a donation! 

Students: $8, covers shipping, handling, and fees (the book project is not for profit)

Non-Student Supporters and Philanthropic Friends:  Order a book or books below via the “donate” button. We invite you to donate $8 or more (your choice, it includes shipping and handling of books).  Your contribution helps offset our "Fuel The Tank" initiative expenses such as publishing and program development. Your generosity fuels the mission and ensures the continuation of vital activities described in the book!

By donating, you help with “Fuel The Tank" expenses such as:

·       Distribution (and production) costs for the books and videos to students and others

·       Intern and advisory development programs

·       Travel Expense (travelling to visit and teach students is required to keep the mission rolling) 

Every donation, regardless of size, propels the mission forward to help others. As a personal commitment to the cause (a small gesture), I donate my San Diego State adjunct professor salary back to the University. 

Thank you for considering this request, I hope you enjoy the book!

Together, let's continue to ignite minds and inspire positive change.

Questions? Email:

Donate / Order

Book Reviews

Mike Donohue is a coach and a leader with over 20 years of experience in technology and other industries. He was recently asked to join the faculty at a major university. The book, Letters To Our Future Leaders, is a compilation of 25 short, three-minute reads or “Letters”.  Each “Letter" chronicles surprising twists and turns in his career and life path. With humor and, at times, intense detail, Donohue describes a journey that started in gritty downtown Denver Colorado. In one letter, fresh out of college, he had to make a life-or-death decision on the factory floor where he was a manager. From there, he traverses what he calls “bends in the road, but not an end to the road.” 

This book is not simply about success, as the author expresses vulnerability, doubt, and difficulties (including when he lost his dream job in a surprise coup).

Coach Mike worked for three Fortune 500 companies and one scrappy start-up, the start-up changed his world. Without deep pockets or extensive resources, Donohue describes early adult life from living in a “flophouse” and dreaming about moving into a penthouse. The reader will likely laugh, gasp, and maybe cheer when his dream girl says, "Yes," I will dance with you. 

Some of the eyebrow-raising moments include his boss’s boss going to prison (for 12 years), a limousine driver getting shot, a founder of a multi-billion dollar company getting ushered out the door of the company he built, and an inspirational talk Donohue gave to 50 women in a court ordered, one year stay at a drug/alcohol rehabilitation center. 

These days, philanthropic activities, and "helping others" are important to this energetic leadership instructor.  Some of the "lessons learned," summarized at the end of each of the 25 Letters, may inspire youth and experienced adults. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.


Marianne Schaefer

Northwestern University

By the Numbers

Number of Talks Delivered – 30+ Over 3 Semesters

Number of Internships Established - 5

Number of Students Spoken To - 500+

Number of “Engagement Surveys” Received Rating Coach Mike’s Talks - 295

Percentage of Surveys Received with Top Score Rating (“5”) - 97%

Value of The Constructive Comments from Students – Priceless


Student Testimonials (“5” is top survey score)

5/5 : “I feel inspired to be my best self, thank you!”

5/5 : “I really liked this workshop, I think it gave me an insight on leadership and what it means to be a leader.”

5/5 : “I really liked that I was able to collaborate with my fellow students and brainstorm on how we will use what we learned in class. I liked the role play and practice sessions.”

5/5 : “Great talk and interaction. Not just a lecture”

SDSU’s LEAD 205 Class | Secret Sauce Formula for Happiness and Success

Here Coach Mike is presenting his “Secret Sauce” for both Happiness and Success.

SDSU’s LEAD 205 Class | The 4 H’s Presentation

Coach Mike emphasizes the importance of Heart, Humility, Hunger, and Hustle (the 4 “H” words) in San Diego State’s Leadership Minor Classroom.

SDSU’s LEAD 205 Class | Heart-led Leadership

San Diego State’s Leadership Summit and Exploring Leadership - 205 both invited Coach Mike to talk about how to become a “Heart-Led” Leader.

SDSU’s Virginia Simpkins Leadership 205 Interviews mike donohue

San Diego State’s Leadership Summit and Exploring Leadership - 205 student, Virginia Simpkins interviews a series of leaders including Coach Mike, Adella de la Torre (President of SDSU), Todd Gloria (Mayor of San Diego) and other influential local leaders.

Coach Mike’s Talk With The Westmont College Baseball team

Coach Mike dedicates his time to teaching students from all walks of life. Today, we had the opportunity to showcase Coach Mike’s work with the Westmont College baseball Team!

Engagements with Educational Institutions

San Diego State University – San Diego, CA

SDSU engagement (three semesters) has been primarily with the Leadership Minor students and with SDSU Leadership Summit Events. Exploring Leadership-205, Leadership 404, and Enacting Leadership-405 students and staff have been our primary clients. Mike recently was hired as an SDSU Adjunct Professor teaching Leadership 400 level classes. In addition to teaching responsibilities, he provides hands on support to the Entrepreneural Center - Zip Launch Pad.

Coach Mike completed two SDSU Leadership Summit talks to approximately 130 students who represented over 20 different majors at the school. Also in attendance were students from 15 other Southern California universities campuses. Participated in an interview series, a YouTube production regarding leadership philosophy and practices. Other participants included Todd Gloria (Mayor of San Diego) and Adela de la Torrre (President of SDSU).

Cal Polytech University – San Luis Obispo, CA

Cal Poly engagement included a talk to the Orfalea Business School – Business and Career Readiness Students. Other engagements have been with the Leadership Program, where an innovative program was proposed to connect alumni with students and for the alumni to inspire and educate students.

University of California – Santa Barbara, CA

UCSB talks have been centered on the subject: The Secret Sauce To Happiness and Success. Other discussions have been with staff and grad students who run a research laboratory.  We have also coordinated multiple visits by non-USCB students to the UCSB campus, specifically touring research laboratories and interviewing professors on "How Do They Lead?".

Nordhoff High School – Ojai, CA

Co-designed an innovative, comprehensive full-year Leadership Program entitled “Greater Good Leadership Program”.  Received official full accreditation from both the University of California and California State University systems regarding the program/class.  Over 3 years, we had many guest speaker engagements at the school and also trips visiting businesses and leaders.  The program, the full-time teacher's compensation, was funded by an anonymous (billionaire) donor.  The program centered on three major areas:  Further developing students' character and values; The study of past and current leaders; The development of students' leadership skills such as: building teams, organizational planning, and goal setting; public speaking; conflict management and crisis management and more.

Philanthropic Engagements

Sober Living Homes – Ventura, CA

Organized and led a seminars focused on three questions:  Who are you? Who do you want to become? How do you want to be remembered?  The title of the seminar is Heart-Led Living.  The interactive activity with the residents of the drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility includes fun, productive exercises where the residents reflect and choose words and definitions that describe their character (current self, or future self).  Resume-building and job interviewing exercises/role plays were are also included.

The Thacher School – Ojai, CA

Organized and led a talk and a film screening regarding the Syrian civil war and refugee crisis.  Led a global discussion across three continents.  Connected the students and staff with the star of the documentary film (Dreams of Darra); a senior UN Officer and the filmmaker, the talented Ms. Reilly Dowd. Amazing discussions unfolded with Hanadi, the Syrian refugee mother of the 3 (in exile), the UN official, Gavin White and the filmmaker regarding the crisis in Syria, Jordan and refugee crises globally. EHS donated support for the film and is an Coach Mike Donohue is an Executive Producer for this award-winning documentary.

Legacy (Chaparral) High School – Ojai, CA

Organized and led a seminar similar to the above.  Legacy High School is an “alternative” high school. Designed an alternative educational experience for students, including at-risk students who aspire to learn in a non-traditional environment. Role-play exercises regarding job interviewing and exercises regarding positive, constructive statements about ourselves were also included. 

EHS: What does it mean?

“EHS” Stands for Earnest H. Shackleton, the famed Antarctic explorer from the early 1900’s who found a way to inspire his crew and lead his amazing team out of a rather difficult “pickle”. Perserverance pays! He was quite a leader!